You or your loved one has just been admitted to an intensive care unit.

LifeMapp has been created to accompany you throughout the stages of a stay in intensive care and to give you a maximum of information, whether general or specific to the intensive care unit in which you or your loved one is admitted.

You should know that the medical teams are at your side throughout this difficult ordeal.

LifeMapp is an application developed by the 101 Fund, which works for the progress of intensive care in the world.

Surgical intensive care and post-operative intensive care in cardiovascular and thoracic surgery – CHRU Lille – Institut Cœur Poumon

Opening hours

14h30 - 19h
14h30 - 19h
14h30 - 19h
14h30 - 19h
14h30 - 19h
14h30 - 19h
14h30 - 19h

Boulevard du Pr Jules Leclerc - 59000 Lille

  • Secretary :
Visiting children allowed
Animals allowed

What is intensive care?

Intensive care is the general medicine for life-threatening conditions. It manages the most critical patients, those whose life and function of major organs (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, or nervous system) are directly threatened. Regardless of the cause that jeopardizes life, intensive care prioritizes the lives of patients.

A resuscitation service operates 24/7 for continuous monitoring of vital functions and ongoing adjustment of therapies. To ensure this specific care, numerous caregivers, consistently present, provide multiple treatments requiring the use of sophisticated medical equipment.

I discover the medical team

Learn about intensive care

Stays and treatments

Care in an intensive care unit can last several days, weeks or months during which every detail will count to offer a “second” life to patients.
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The medical team

Mobilized day and night, these resuscitation professionals share the same objective: to make the lives of the most fragile patients their priority.
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The patient's typical day

The day of an intensive care patient is punctuated by the activity of the various members of the care team, present 24 hours a day.
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Stays and treatments

Care in an intensive care unit can last several days, weeks or months during which every detail will count to offer a “second” life to patients.
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The medical team

Mobilized day and night, these resuscitation professionals share the same objective: to make the lives of the most fragile patients their priority.
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The patient's typical day

The day of an intensive care patient is punctuated by the activity of the various members of the care team, present 24 hours a day.
Learn more